

Accreditation criteria

The accreditation criteria

  • The accreditation criteria established by KAVE to generally evaluate overall operation and educational activities of a college shall be the ground on which education quality that a college must have is reasonably judged. For the accreditation, a college should conduct self evaluation based on the accreditation criteria and factors of evaluation, prepare a report from the results, and submit it to KAVE.
  • The system of accreditation criteria consists of 6 criteria, 13 detailed criteria, and 30 factors of evaluation. A college should conduct self evaluation centering on whether it satisfies or exceeds each of the accreditation criteria and factors of evaluation.
  • 1Step
  • 2Step
  • 3Step
  • Criteria

  • Key criteria for overall operation and composition of educational activities of a college

6 items

  • Detailed
  • Detailed criteria for activities to achieve the key criteria
  • Components of college operation and educational activities
  • Sub-components of the criteria

13 items

  • Factors of
  • Grounds of inspection and diagnosis to judge satisfaction of the detailed criteria
  • Sub-components of the detailed criteria

30 items

[ The List of Criteria, Detailed criteria, Factors of evaluation ]

The accreditation criteria
Criteria Detailed criteria Factors of evaluation
Criteria 1 :
College development plan
and Education quality
1.1.1 College development plan
1.1.2 Education quality improvement
College management
1.2.1 Organization and Operation
1.2.2 Managing finance
1.2.3 Audit
1.2.4 Accountability of college
Criteria 2 :
Development of curriculum
2.1.1 Curriculum development
focusing on the field training
Curriculum Operation
and Quality management
2.2.1 Major education Operation and Evaluation
2.2.2 Job basics, General education Operation
and Evaluation
Criteria 3 :
of academic
affairs and
Teaching and
Management of
academic affairs
3.1.1 Selecting students
3.1.2 Academic affairs
and Classes Management
3.1.3 Student retention rate
3.1.4 Assessment of academic achievement
3.1.5 Remote learning*
Teaching and Learning
3.2.1 Supporting and Evaluation of teaching and
Criteria 4 :
and lifelong
Industry-college cooperation
4.1.1 Activities of industry-college cooperation
4.1.2 Supporting employment and start-up
Placement education
4.2.1 Supporting placement education
Lifelong education system
4.3.1 Supporting lifelong education
Criteria 5 :
Student welfare
5.1.1 Student welfare
5.1.2 Student activities support and
Safety management
5.1.3 Student career and
Psychological Counseling
5.1.4 Supporting The disabled
and Minority student
Educational facilities
5.2.1 Library
5.2.2 Securing and Maintenance
of Educational facilities
5.2.3 Supporting Information security
Criteria 6 :
Personnel management and
Developing capabilities
for Faculty & Staff
6.1.1 Personnel management
6.1.2 Developing capabilities
6.1.3 Research
Treatment and Welfare for
Faculty & Staff
6.2.1 Treatment and welfare

However, 3.1.5 (Remote learning) of Factors of evaluation shall be applied to colleges operating the relevant courses.

Compulsory evaluation factors

  • Compulsory evaluation factors indicate evaluation factors whereby colleges should satisfy and exceed quantitative requirements and conditions designated by KAVE in order to be accredited. Thus, colleges should satisfy and exceed designated quantitative requirements and conditions even though the method of evaluation applied to the compulsory evaluation factors is qualitative quantitative evaluation.
  • Designated aims of compulsory evaluation factors
  • Achieving the original aim of accreditation by inspecting various conditions that colleges should fundamentally have in order to secure education quality
  • Enhancement of reliability of accreditation results
  • Structuring systemic connections of the accreditation results with various administrative & financial support and resolving suspicions of paternalistic evaluation
  • Quantitative requirements of compulsory evaluation factors : The requirements for compulsory evaluation factors indicate the level generally expected of “education quality” that a college should have, meaning the level required by various laws and regulations such as the regulation of establishment of college, the criteria applied in projects financially supported by the government (projects of intensification of educational capability of colleges), and the level in which the average of all colleges is considered.
  • Actual status of quantitative requirements of compulsory evaluation factors

[ Quantitative requirements of monitoring evaluation factors ]

Quantitative requirements of monitoring evaluation factors
Title of
evaluation factor
Requirements Reference
Ratio of
expenditure to
  • Criteria for judging actual investment of college in education and normal operation
  • Inducing investment in order that 100% of tuition can be used as education fee for students
Student retention rate 80%
  • Reference to standard of the accreditation institutions of higher education
  • Reflects changes in the external environment(reduced student resources), and adjustment
Ratio of Scholarships
to Tuition
  • Article 3 of the 「Regulations on tuition fee and admission fee
    of Universities and Colleges」
Securing teaching staff rate 50%
  • Securing rate of faculty of the regulation of establishment of college(Reference to
    「Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Universities and Colleges」)